Tear Aid Kite Repair
Tear Aid Kite Repair
3 Seabreeze Centre, 6 Marine Circle, Table View, Cape Town, South Africa.
6 Marine Circle
Table View
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa
TEAR-AID® Repair Patches provide a simple and easy method of patching holes and tears, as well as an excellent protective film solution. It is combined with an aggressive adhesive formulated for high bond strength. TEAR-AID® expands absorbing force on impact and always returns to original shape and size. This flexibility allows the patch to conform to irregular surfaces without restricting the movement of the repaired material.
Type A sticks to Various Surfaces
• Matte Finish
• Abrasion Resistant
• Elastomer – Resists Puntures & Tearing
• High Bond Strength
• Flexible